
Reasons to chelate
The single biggest reason that drives individuals to investigate chelation is chronic health issues that have not responded to standard medical treatment or a lack of acknowledgment that heavy metals could even be the cause of these symptoms or no treatment option whatsoever (You're told it's 'all in your head' and referred to a psychiatrist.
As humans we are affected by increased levels of heavy metals in the environment. Heavy metals do not stop at national borders or at factory fences. Air, soil and water pollution, medical use of heavy metals- the ways in which we can be exposed are manifold and sometimes we will never know exactly how it occured. In looking back we may uncover some potential exposure routes.
The effects of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and arsenic are varied and can easily be mistaken as something else. Take a look atthe variety of diagnostic labels below.
A non-exhaustive list of diagnostic labels heavy metal toxic children may end up with:
Developmental delays (of any kind)
Autism/ Regressive Autism
Asperger's Syndrome
Allergies; food and/or environmental
Dysgraphia/Poor handwriting
Speech delay (NOS)
- Absence seizures
Gluten sensitivity
Food allergies
Autoimmune conditions (Mercury is a potent trigger of autoimmunity)
Persistent yeast infections
Poor gross and or fine motor skills
- Sensory Processing Disorder
Peripheral neuropathy (pain or tingling sensation in hands, and/or feet) It can be a contributing factor to intermittent toe walking.
Things parents might say about their child with or without a formal diagnosis: Her or she is
slow to reach milestones
often anxious,
angrier than other kids about the same thing
such a picky eater
behind in school, academic learning
often by themselves and doesn't seek out other children their age
doesn't respond to their own name
plagued by sensory issues
dealing with the effects of unintegrated primitive reflexes
craving foods high in carbohydrates: White bread, potatoes, rice, sweets, etc.
unable to write legibly.
extremely shy and timid
afraid of lots of things peers are not afraid of or concerned about
or the opposite: has no sense of fear.
obsessed with water surfaces and loves to play with water.
not interested in peers
To see a list for adults one only has to look at the cover image of Amalgam Illness.
The short little paragraph here on the EPA's own website on the topic of mercury sums it up thus:
"Effects on Infants and Children
Infants in the womb can be exposed to methylmercury when their mothers eat fish and shellfish that contain methylmercury. This exposure can adversely affect unborn infants' growing brains and nervous systems. These systems may be more vulnerable to methylmercury than the brains and nervous systems of adults are. Children exposed to methylmercury while they are in the womb can have impacts to their:
cognitive thinking,
fine motor skills, and
visual spatial skills"
So now you may wonder, what is methylmercury? Methylmercury is mercury bound to a methyl group. A methyl group is comprised of 3 hydrogen atoms grouped around 1 carbon atom, which is connected to the rest of the molecule, the methyl group is a part of.
Methylmercury is an organic form of mercury.
Large predatory fish contain so much of it because fish turn inorganic into organic mercury. This protects them from toxicity. They methylate mercury, which makes it less toxic for them.
Being that we are mammals, our bodies do the opposite. We turn methyl mercury into inorganic mercury (Hg2+), which is what does the damage to our cells as it is an oxidation catalyst, meaning it increase the rate at which oxidation occurs. Uncontrolled oxidation is what we think of as "inflammation". Once in the brain organic mercury does not leave on its own and continues to wreck havoc until it is removed.
Which is what leads us to chelators. Chelators are compounds capable of binding with heavy metals. Read more under 2. What is Chelation?